Why Join Temple Sinai?
Visitors are welcome to attend any number of services or other events at Temple Sinai (few exceptions noted below). We want you to feel comfortable with us before making a commitment. We believe in the following benefits of membership.
Affiliation: Belonging is rewarding. You’ll enjoy being part of our family linked by Reform Jewish practice. Our community includes Reform Jews, interfaith couples, and people of other faiths who support association with the Jewish faith. Note that dues support only a portion of our expenses.
Support: payment of dues, in any amount, keeps our important religious institution running–operating costs and salaries and are a shared contribution to support of our Temple.
Privileges of membership: attending High Holy Day services without charge, free religious school, voting, and certain life-cycle events are benefits of membership.
Temple Sinai is an inclusive congregation and welcomes Jews by birth, Jews by choice, secular Jews, interfaith couples, military families/personnel and college students, young families, multi-cultural families, single parent families, parents raising Jewish children, singles, married adults, straight, gay, members of the LGBT community, empty-nesters, retirees, those who are returning to their Jewish roots, and those just wishing to learn about Judaism. We strive to be a warm and welcoming congregation.
Temple Sinai offers religious services and a variety of activities, such as community dinners and festive celebrations, Sisterhood, Brotherhood, speakers, social action, Religious School for children, and adult education.
We hope you’ll consider the discussion above and find it worthwhile to join Temple Sinai. We look forward to having you as a member. See the menu tab for a copy of the application or for our dues policy. Contact either Mary Beth Colgan, our administrator, at 596-8352, or Fred Levy, membership chair, at glida1@icloud.com, to proceed or to ask questions.
Last updated 5 June 2016