
Membership Application and Guidelines

Here is the membership application and guidelines for filling it out.

Please fill out all relevant information, including contact information for adults, with your signed pledge.  That should include a pledge amount and your signature.  The application provides the option to donate to the  Rabbi Fund as well.

We have special rates for college or graduate students (free) and for active duty military.  You may wish to discuss our sponsored dues plan or the alternative of a pledge below Fair Share with our Finance committee, by phone or in person.    Please contact Mary Beth Colgan at the Temple office at 596-8352 or the membership committee if you have questions about the application or dues.  Ask about prorated dues  and about Friends membership if already a member elsewhere.

Please fill out biographical information as it’s relevant.  If you have children, we request names, ages, and education background for purposes of Religious School and/or Bar/Bat Mitzvah.  You may wish to include family Yahrzeit information as well as identify your background to Rabbi Sokol, optionally.

As a formality, membership requires a vote at the monthly Board of Directors meeting.

We want to make applying for membership, or just inquiring about membership, simple and comfortable.  If you have questions, please contact our the Temple Sinai office at 596-8352.

Except for High Holy Day Services (click on menu tab to see our ticket policy for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)  you may attend any number of services or events as a visitor and join when you feel comfortable.