

Opportunities to Volunteer at Temple Sinai


Temple Sinai needs people to assist with Shabbat Services.  We need people to perform the candle blessing, Kiddush and Torah blessings at services as well as to be usher and greet visitors. These mitzvot are a way to honor departed loved ones on yahrzeit dates or to celebrate anniversaries or other happy occasions.  Please contact the ritual committee if interested, or volunteer when a committee member telephones you.  Lay members also lead services a few times a year.

Temple Sinai needs people to work on committees and assist on projects.  You can help through Sisterhood or Brotherhood, join the Membership, Ritual, Programs, Jewish Book Council, or Endowment committees, assist or join the Caring Committee.   Members join to maintain and enhance the Biblical Garden on “workdays” and to assist at community events such as the Jewish Food Festival.  Many times we solicit for assistance with an event through the e-mail Blast, Facebook, or this website, without a formal committee structure.   (Non-members may assist as well.)

Temple Sinai is run by its leadership, as confirmed by its members.    We need both trustees and officers to serve on the Board of Directors, which meets once a month, normally on the second Tuesday.  If interested, contact any Board member, and we welcome your positive response if the nominating committee contacts you before the annual Congregational meeting (when trustees and officers are elected either from a nominating committee slate or from the floor).   You do not need to be a senior member to serve on the Board, and it is a good way to help Temple Sinai make informed decisions.  

We have not named all opportunities to volunteer but there is no lack of possibilities either to lead or assist as your time allows.  Let us hear from you.


Last updated 5 Jun 2016