Donations to Named Funds
Temple Sinai offers many ways to contribute to our immediate needs, beyond or in addition to Endowment contributions. Such donations give you the opportunity to remember or honor a relative or friend with a contribution for a specific purpose. All contributions are welcome and they are applied to specific purposes. They are distinguished from dues pledges, which go to the general operating fund, and from Endowment contributions, which ensure our future.
ONEG SHABBAT You may sponsor or co-sponsor a reception following Shabbat evening services for any occasion. The honor of lighting candles is given to the host or hostess. Call the Sisterhood or our administrator, Mary Beth Colgan, at 596-8352.
Donations may be made to the following funds by calling the Temple office at 596-8352. Minimum donation for any fund is $5.00, cash or check only.
BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of Adelaide Wolf and Marilyn Levin Goldberg for projects within the Temple, Religious School, and youth lounge.
BIBLICAL GARDEN In memory of Anna Lee and Edward E. Kahn for long term maintenance and upkeep.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND In memory of Emanuel and Jean Falk and Joseph Stern for future building needs.
EDUCATION FUND In memory of Lydia Shipman with funding for Religious School scholarships and projects.
FAMILY EMERGENCY FUND In memory of Seth L. Strick to provide confidential assistance to family members of Temple Sinai.
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND For use by the Rabbi as she deems appropriate and necessary.
TOBY CHENKIN LUNCH FUND In memory of Toby Chenkin to support the lunches that follow our twice monthly Saturday services. These lunches are free to all those attending services.
YOUTH GROUP Established to fund travel and projects.
YOUTH GROUP SCHOLARSHIP Honoring Hattie Wachtel to subsidize Youth Group activities.
PULPIT AND RITUAL FUND To purchase prayerbooks, building book shelves, and enhancing the sanctuary. Minimum donation: $36.
MEMORIAL PLAQUES Loved ones are given a permanent place of tribute on the memorial board in the sanctuary. Names are called during Kaddish on the Shabbat anniversary (Yahrzeit) and Yom Kippur. Cost $200.00.
PLAQUES ON THE BACK OF SEATS in the sanctuary (in honor or memory of a loved one). Contact Larry Linn. The seats are NOT reserved!
TREE OF LIFE Names, dates and occasions are lovingly inscribed to record life-cycle events. Cost $200.00.
BOOK OF COMMEMORATION Temple Sinai Sisterhood fund in support of Sisterhood programs and projects.
LIBRARY FUND In memory of Rena and Charles Kates for the acquisition of books and periodicals for the Temple library.
MUSIC FUND Honoring Loraine B. and A. Louis Drucker in support of the Temple music program.
PULPIT FLORAL FUND Flowers for Shabbat & holiday services. Contact Temple office (596-8352). Minimum donation: $35.00. (Same purpose as floral donations, above, except that donation is not for a specific Shabbat)