Performance by Shalom Strings (Jena Chenkin,Samuel Chenkin, Alice Rubinstein & Bob Rubinstein). Arrive a fewminutes early to enjoy some prelude music.Childcare as needed call Temple office 596-8352.
Find out more »Childcare as needed call Temple office 596-8352 Cantor Sarah Pscheidt will lead the service
Find out more »Performance by Shalom Strings (Jena Chenkin, Samuel Chenkin, Alice Rubinstein & Bob Rubinstein). Arrive a few minutes early to enjoy some prelude music. Dedication of memorial plaque of Bobbi Weisinger. July 16th and 17th marked the 76th anniversary of the Vél d'Hiv roundup, which took place in Paris and its surroundings on July 16th & 17th, 1942, and which led to the deportation and assassination of more than 13,000 Jews in Auschwitz. Rabbi Sokol's sermon will talk about that terrible…
Find out more »Paul Brindza will lead the service. Childcare as needed call Temple office 596-8352.
Find out more »Samuel Chenkin will lead the service. Childcare as needed - call Temple office 596-8352
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